30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 13: Where will I be in 5 years?

This is a tough one.

I recently turned 28. So in 5 years, I will be 33 and that’s crazy for me to think about.

When I’m 33, I hope to be further along in my environmental journey. I want to have more clarity on what my role/purpose is in helping the environment. Career-wise, I’m still not entirely sure.

I know I want to be a reader. I want to be fluent in Spanish and perhaps Korean. I want to be more financially literate. I know I want to be helping others, helping tackle the homelessness issue in Los Angeles, which is related to the environment. I will be a contribution to society.

I will have good relationships with my friends and family that I cherish.

I want to still be contributing to this blog. I will be a writer, either in my journal or sharing my knowledge with others.

According to society, I should be married and and either starting a family.