30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 12: 3 Healthy Habits


    I try and bring a reusable bottle everywhere I go. I fill it up when there are water station around where I work or when I’m out an about. I love good quality H2O. Sometimes I’m not even sure I drink enough. But I definitely use the restroom when I do. (Insert Picture of my Water bottle)


    I just finished a 30-day How to Meditate on the Calm App and it was so helpful!! I feel like I’m on the road to continue making this a permanent habit. I started meditating last year with Headspace App to help with my anxiety and sadness. It’s a work in progress and journey, but I feel like it’s helped me so much through out my daily life.


    This is also a fairly new habit. I love looking back at journals to see what I was feeling at the moment or to remember what happened that day. I was really inconsistent with it because some days I would plop on my bed as soon as I got home and fall asleep. In Happier Podcast w/ Gretchen Rubin, she raves the idea of a 1-sentence journal. I love this idea! Sometimes I feel like writing more. But on the days I feel really tired, I only need to write 1 sentence.

Good Habits are the key to all success. Bad Habits are the unlocked door to failure- Og Mandino