30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 22: 3 Personality traits you are proud of

This was hard I definitely had to google character traits, plus this feels eerily similar to a college admission essay I had to do 10-11 years ago. **Mind blown about how long it’s been**, but also feels a tad bit traumatic thinking back.

  1. Open-minded

    Facets of this trait includes: Fantasy prone, open to feelings, open to diverse behaviors, open to new and different ideas, open to various values and beliefs.

    This hits the spot. I daydream a lot. I’m open to trying a new food three times before I decide it’s not for me and open to learning about other people’s beliefs, religions, opinions. I’m proud of it because I don’t think I would have learn some invaluable lessons and experience some wonders if it we’re not for my openness.

  2. Empathetic

    This is something I have to make more of an effort on. I’m a proud empathetic person. I feel. I have feelings. ALL THE FEELS. I really want to understand or at least try to understand what the other person might be going through. Sometimes, you want to give advice, other times you lend an ear and hold space for them, because they matter. I’m proud of this trait because it can allow for connections between humans.

  3. Kind

    I really try to be kind to everyone I meet, like for reals. Everyone is going through something. It’s the least you can do. The most you can control. It’s so easy following empathy. I’d also like to remind myself to be kind to myself cause I could be my own harshest critic.

Honorable Mention: Loyal- If you a homie, like a true homie. I will dislike someone you dislike because my homie probably has a good reason for it. Not sure if I’m that proud of this trait.