30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 26: Your Pet Peeves

  1. The sound of Velcro ripping apart

    Just thinking about the sound, makes me shrivel. It’s like nails on a chalkboard to me.

  2. Needless Car Idling

    When I see a strangers or friends with their car parked and their engine on, just chilling it makes me so mad. If you keep it on, not only are you wasting gas and your car is also emitting Greenhouse Gas Emissions into the atmosphere contributing to Climate Change. This is a PSA: Turn off your car engine while you’re waiting or having conversations with your friends in the car.

  3. When dog owners leave their dog’s poop on the sidewalk

    Dog poop can harbor various diseases. It also contains a lot of nitrogen. When it rains, it can go into our waterways. Disease in our waterways!! We want clean water for all.

    Please be responsible for your dog’s feces and pick it up. So we can all enjoy these public spaces.

  4. People who play their music loudly in a public place

    Not everyone wants to listen to your music! Maybe you’re hard of hearing and but it does not gives you an excuse to blast your music loudly. Some people would like to keep their hearing when they’re older. You might think you have amazing music taste, that you want to forcibly show to the world, but not everyone likes YOUR music. People have their own styles and tastes. There’s obvious a good time and place for loud music. Please be considerate of your surroundings.

  5. When people start a story, but then say “Never mind”

    I used to be guilty of this, I realized how it annoyed people got and how it got on my nerve when people did it to me. Now I try and say what’s on my mind, if I catch myself using “never mind”. I think it gives you hope, maybe you retract because you have doubts. You are worthy of being heard. Just finish what you started.

What are your pet peeves? Do you agree with some of my pet peeves?

Comment down below!