30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 25: Your Spirit Animal(s)

I think I have two. One that captures my essence, and another animal that there’s for me in my time of need.

At my catholic high school, seniors typically go on this spiritual retreat called Kairos. A hummingbird appear during my solitude reflection time/prayers. Whenever I see a hummingbird, I associate it with God. Hummingbirds are small in body and mighty fast. They beat their wings so fast they looks like blurs.

When I was thinking about it, I wasn’t sure a hummingbird captured my spirit. And then I remembered Pottermore Patronus quiz results: A Horse, which has qualities that I feel like I can relate to more.

A horse represents power, nobility, freedom and vitality. They are usually stubborn and individualistic— they know what they want and how to achieve it. They have stable personalities, but can also be very passionate and caring. Other Horse personalities- generous, independent, romantic, sentimental, faithful.