I FINALLY GOT MY SPLITS!!!! How long did it take? + TIPS
I’ve come across some really Click bait-y videos “Get your splits in 14 days.” I watched a Buzzfeed one, where 3 employees tried to get their splits. 2 out of 3 failed to do it in 14 days! “One of them could have been a ringer,” she thinks to herself on Day 14 of her own split journey.
My Journey
I did ballet from 4 years old to 14 years old and I had NEVER gotten my splits during that time. It’s kind of embarrassing because ballerinas are suppose to be known for their flexibility. The reason I never got it is because I didn’t want it enough… and I didn’t apply myself or challenge myself during those years. I watched the other girls in my ballet class get their splits. I compared my measly 5 minutes of half-ass trying 3-5 times a week to other girls who took it more seriously and was probably also stretching everyday and at home not in ballet class. I know when I was younger, if a goal felt so unattainable, I wouldn’t even try. Now I know better.
I remember attempted to get my split in my senior year of college when I was 20/21. I don’t remember how far I got..maybe close.. but I do know I didn’t keep the habit going to achieve it.
So how long does it really take to get your splits?! (*BTW it truly depends on where you’re starting point is as well) So how long did it take me to “touch down?”
25 days of stretching every day for 15 minutes!
After Day 25, literally the next day, I didn’t touchdown…I had to keep going.
Stretching is a great habit to adopt.
At one point, I tried to twice a day. But it wasn’t manageable to me mentally. So I switched back to once a day.
I think stretching and getting your splits will help in life, because if I could be flexible physically, I could also be flexible mentally and used that in real life situations for work, business. Be physically flexible and be mentally flexible.
and just because I’ve “touched down” does not mean I’m going to stop. I’ve got to persist and keep going. I do want to celebrate this win!! I deserve it! The reason I have to keep going is because I’m still not comfortable in the position. It hurts #(@&$(@ still.
Important Tips
The stretches you do right before you do the splits is crucial.
I look I used this video. I learned there are no shortcuts to getting your splits. You can’t go for the 5 minutes or 10 minutes to stretch. Thank you Alo Yoga for helping me achieve this dream and my best friend Addie for introducing this video to me.
You really have to challenge yourself in each of the stretches. Don’t be a wuss.
But in actuality, if you’re having a really bad or off day, it’s okay if you don’t push yourself to the limit. Just keep up the habit. One day, when you’re ready and able and in good spirits, challenge yourself and reach a little further. Just keep going, keep at it and you’ll get there, even though the goal feels so far way. Often the journey feels like nothing, no progress, so far away but after you keep trying and trying, BAMM out of no where it’ll happen.
I’d like to note that on days where I didn’t challenge myself as much, I didn’t get as close to the floor, even if had I gotten closer down the day before.
Record yourself/ your journey
When you feel like giving up, compare your first photo/video. Sometimes I didn’t see a difference, but I felt a little more flexible. Hold onto moments where you know you’ve made progress. So you know all your hard work and effort is paying off. It will help you keep up your habit. Giving up is the only thing that is keeping you from this goal.
You need a plan and commitment
I planned to stretch everyday. Once I found the right video. I planned to do that everyday. I habit stacked it and would watch this video after my Blogilates workout.
And remember that everyone is on their own journey. Your starting points may be different. Focus on yourself and your development.
If you don’t challenge yourself, then you don’t really know yourself-David Goggin