30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 19: A confession


Noun- A formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime.

This one is tough.

I don’t have a green thumb. I have killed plants, I have killed a succulent. I forget to water or take care of it. But I am trying to change and learn from it. It is a goal of mine to eventually have a green thumb! Humans are like plants but with more emotions.

I still use plastic, I still eat meat, I still fly on airplanes. I am not the best environmentalist with the lower carbon footprint or lowest waste. But I recognize that I am human and I’m still trying to be better. One has to remember that Zero waste is unattainable and primarily it’s the system that prevents us from attaining zero waste. I get tempted by convenience and desire for delicious food. I’m striving for better, but I also want to be balance and do what I able to do in my mental and physical capabilities.

I also haven’t spoken up louder on important issues of racism, Amazon forest destruction, Australian Wildfires, or who my political candidate is. Sometimes speaking up is scary. Inside I know it’s the right thing to do. But I also want to be intention and understand things in my own time to make an opinion get to the know the truth and the facts. The expectation to speak up about something scares me too.

I’m also not the best at reaching out to people or responding. Another thing I’m still working on!

You do what you are capable of, what you’re able to manage.