30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 5: My Proudest Moment

My proudest moment was when I got 4th place in a Piano Competition.

I don’t even remember what the name of the competition, what age I was, what my piano teacher looked like or even the song that I played.

I just remember that my mom and my piano teacher made me practice A LOT. Just over and over. I stayed up really late the day before the competition. Being angry, frustrated. Crying with tears on the piano keys.

I do remember it was a slower song and I do remember seeing my name on the list they posted and I couldn’t believe I had made it on there. I had to replay the song again for the crowd. My piano teacher and mom was proud of me. I was proud of myself.

I know I only got 4th place, but this was a pretty competitive competition. It definitely taught me a lesson about perseverance and that hard work and practice does pay off. While I didn’t get first, I still receive some sort of accolade and I earned it!

P.S. Btw, I don’t play the piano anymore.

QUESTION: Learning an instrument during the developmental years helps your brain develop. Would you force your kid to learn an instrument?